How To Invest With The One You Love?



I successfully invest in real estate with my husband, Peter, and we get asked all the time: how do we do it? How do we work together, raise a family, and stay passionate?

It's not luck. Well, there is some luck and a whole lot of grace. We have been intentional though! So here are four tips we credit for our relationship and business success. (And yes, we know the last one may sound crazy to some, but even Napoleon Hill talks about this in Think and Grow Rich.)


  1. Understand each other’s code and language.
  2. Make sure you know each other’s ultimate vision and values and get on the same page.
  3. Foster an environment (physical, emotional, and social) that will sustain and support you in achieving your ultimate vision.
  4. Tap into the power of orgasm to manifest your ultimate dreams.

As Real Estate Investor Goddesses, we teach women (and their partners at our Real Estate Investor Soulmates Retreat) how to acquire cash-flowing rental properties so they can create...

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How to Start Investing in Real Estate As A Goddess?


Probably the hardest part of getting into real estate investing is knowing where to start. Here are three tips to get started investing in real estate as a goddess:

Tip #1: Get your education on.

Many/most people don't take action because they don't know what to do. Lack of knowledge/clear steps leads to paralysis. Education for effective action is the antidote to this.

I created a free training to help you know what steps to take so you can get into effective action >>>How to Get Started in Real Estate Investing Even as a Busy Professional Woman. Click here to sign up for an upcoming session.

Tip #2: Get clear on your desires and real estate vision.

The more clarity you have on what you want, the easier it will be to bring it forth. I cannot overstate enough how important this step is. Clarity is rocket fuel for your desires.

Here are some of the questions you can ask yourself over the next few days to help yourself find clarity before starting investing.

1. What...

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Motivation Monday

"The real question is not IF you should make this investment, it's WHEN."

— Monick Halm.

Do you want to make money in your sleep? Do you want to have the financial freedom to travel wherever you want? Do you want to be able to quit your 9 to 5 and be your own boss?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then it’s not a question of IF you should take the leap into real estate investing… it’s WHEN. So when would now be a good time to start?

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4 Millionaire Female Real Estate Investors To Know.

Andrew Carnegie said, “90% of millionaires become so through real estate. More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined.”

I know I preach a LOT about how important investing in real estate is to build generational wealth. I know I am always sharing how it has allowed me, and so many goddesses I know, to achieve real financial freedom. But it’s not just me who believes this to be true! People all around the world have created millions because they invested in real estate. They put their money in properties, homes, complexes, commercial buildings, etc and their money made them more money until they achieved the millionaire status that they enjoy today.

Here is a list of some of the female real estate investors who have had the greatest impact on the real estate industry: 

- Barbara Corcoran: Judge on Shark Tank + real estate investor.

Barbara Corcoran was committed to succeeding. At the age of 23, she quit her job...

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Motivation Monday

"Get comfortable with feeling challenged. That means you are growing."

— Boss Babe.

Growth can feel overwhelming, stressful, and sometimes even scary. That’s where we come in. We are here to remind you that you are not alone. When you’re a REI Goddess you have the support of tons of incredible women who are here to cheer you on every step of the way. So when you feel the effects of your growth, both the good and the bad, know that we are here to lift you up or celebrate with you.

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6 Sources of Funding For Your Real Estate Investing

There are many different ways to finance a property. It’s important to get the right one for you because without the right financing your investment might soon be underwater.

“We’ve been taught to think of debt as a four-letter word, but it doesn’t have to be. Especially once you have the financial education to see how it can work for you instead of against you.” ~ Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

As the quote above suggests, debt financing for real estate investment can make a lot of sense and really work for you.

When you get a loan from the bank, you can purchase a real estate investment property with only a small percentage out of pocket (usually from 3.5% to 20% down). You can then rent out that property and the tenant pays the cost of the debt while also putting money in your pocket.

It is important to learn about the different types of loans available - commercial or residential and how you can take advantage of these.

It is...

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Motivation Monday

“If you’re one of those people who has that little voice in the back of her mind saying, ‘Maybe I could do [fill in the blank],’ don’t tell it to be quiet. Give it a little room to grow, and try to find an environment it can grow in.”

― Reese Witherspoon.

If your [fill in the blank] is real estate investing, then I’d love to support you and help you find the environment in which to grow! Grab a copy of my 40 page guide: Investing In Real Estate- From $1 to $1 Million for free! In this guide I’ll teach you 12 strategies you can use to get started on your real estate investing journey, regardless of your budget or schedule. Then make sure to join our free Private Facebook Community. Join the thousands of other women allowing that whisper in their souls to grow into a roar!

Don’t silence that little voice in the back of your mind… give it the resources it needs to grow!

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How To Find Your Money Making Market?


Investing in a money-making market is KEY to ensuring that your investment is cash-flowing for a long period of time.

Whether or not your property will make money has almost everything to do with its location. So how do you find the right market and submarket that will allow you to profit with your real estate investments? Here are 7 factors that I look for before I invest to make sure it'll be a worthy investment:


1. Landlord & Biz-Friendly

Remember when you have rental property, you are a landlord & you are a business. Laws & policies that favor landlords & businesses will make a big difference in your ability to profit.


2. Low to Medium Housing Costs

The next factor in a good investment property market is to have a low-to-medium cost of housing.

The cost of housing is important because (a) it will determine your ease in being able to enter the market (the more expensive a market, the harder it will be for you to purchase there), and (b) you...

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Motivation Monday


"Women have to harness their power—it’s absolutely true. It’s just learning not to take the first no. And if you can’t go straight ahead, you go around the corner."

― Cher.

Powerful words from a badass woman. Now it's your turn to harness your power, believe in yourself, and take over the world!!

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Real Estate Investing Is Not One Size Fits At All


There are a lot of different ways of investing in real estate! You can be an active investor or a passive investor, you can invest in homes, apartment buildings, land, notes, hotels, industrial, and more. There are so many options!

That's what I love about our REI Goddesses community- women are investing in many different ways, in many different locations, and you can see all of these women CRUSHING it in real estate - all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, ages, marital statuses, etc. It is SO inspiring!

You need to create a plan that will work for you. If you’re making a blueprint for a building, the blueprint will be very different if the building is going to be a 2-bedroom house or a 100-story skyscraper.

If you have the wrong plan, you’re not going to make the right investment decisions for you and your goals. This could result in you losing money or not having your money available to you when you need it.

A true Story About A Real Estate Investor Goddess

Jenny came...

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Investing in Real Estate from $1 to $1M – 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.