The NAR Settlement: A Gamechanger for the Entire US Housing Industry

You might have heard the buzz about the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and the groundbreaking $418 million settlement. This isn't just news; it's a revolution in the real estate realm, and it's time to strap in and rise to the occasion. Big changes are afoot, and this could be the launch pad moment for your next big leap in real estate!

The Background 

NAR, a titan of industry standards and practices, faced lawsuits that cracked the bedrock of real estate commissions wide open. The heart of the matter? Allegations that their policies kept commission rates high and competition low. This settlement isn't just a penalty; it's a declaration that the old ways won't fly in today's transparent, competitive market.

Key points:

  • NAR will pay the nearly half-billion-dollar settlement in installments, with a $197 million payment due within 90 days of final settlement approval.
  • Offers of compensation can no longer be made through the MLS, and MLSs will have just 150 days to update...
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Why is Real Estate The Most Profitable Investing Option?

I often hear people say that they feel more comfortable investing in the stock market or keeping their money in a bank account. To them, this choice feels safer and more reliable. But this is a myth. I believe that they say this because they have not done the work of comparing how money grows in different investments. So I’ve broken it down for you.

Let’s say you start with $50,000. Now if you put that money in a bank account, where it compounds at 1% interest, after 20 years you will have made a profit of $11,009.50.

Now let’s say you want to invest that money and you choose to invest that $50,000 in the stock market, which averages a 7% annual return on investment. So after 20 years compounding at 7% you will make a profit of $143,484.

Now let’s compare those two options to real estate investing. Let’s say you purchase five 3/2 single-family houses in Cleveland, OH for $50,000 down (20% of value - $250,000 total in assets). The average rent for that...

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3 Things Successful Real State Investors Prioritize

Last week one of my students posted a great brag about the enormous mindset and abundance shifts she's experienced since she joined our REI Goddesses Training Program. Her name is Deba, she lives in Detroit, and she met her now business partner Zabrina through our training program, who lived in Los Angeles, but now lives in Atlanta.
I remember when they were at one of my Masterminds and they created a desire to "buy the block," and transform neighborhoods in Detroit. Since finishing the course, Deba and Zabrina have created a team of 10 and have been buying blocks on rinse and repeat. They're living the Real Estate Investor Goddesses mission: finding win-wins and leaving a property and community better than they found it. I'm so proud of them!
I also noticed that these 3 things are what made Deba and Zabrina, and so many other real estate investors, particularly successful:
1. Education and Mentorship. They enrolled in the Real Estate Investor...
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Investing in Real Estate from $1 to $1M – 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.