Motivation Monday

"The world needs you to share what it is you came to this planet to share."

Monick Halm.

The world NEEDS your special gift.

What I'm here to do is to help make sure that you can share your gifts, and that not having enough time or money is no longer an excuse for you. I want you to be financially free so you can do what you were born to do... what the world need you to do.

If you have dreams you've been sitting on, why not start them now? Answer the call of your soul.

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Motivation Monday

"The real question is not IF you should make this investment, it's WHEN."

— Monick Halm.

Do you want to make money in your sleep? Do you want to have the financial freedom to travel wherever you want? Do you want to be able to quit your 9 to 5 and be your own boss?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then it’s not a question of IF you should take the leap into real estate investing… it’s WHEN. So when would now be a good time to start?

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Motivation Monday


"True wealth gets built when your time gets uncoupled with money."

― Monick Halm.

Time is finite. We only have so much time in our day, our week, our month, and truly, our lives. When it comes to making money, some people have jobs that trade their time for money. This can be really lucrative, especially if you’re a CEO and you get paid a lot of money per hour worked. But I believe that when you’re truly wealthy, your time is completely your own. True wealth means not trading your time for money, it means making money while you do whatever you’d like to do with your time.

Real estate investing gives you the gift of time. It allows you to have enough passive income streams so that you work because you WANT to, not because you HAVE to. That is true wealth, and THAT is the kind of financial freedom I want for each and every one of you.

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Motivation Monday


"Success in real estate is not like winning the lottery, it takes work."

― Monick Halm.

I have a friend whose grandmother gave her lottery tickets for every special occasion. Each birthday, Easter, and Christmas card had a lottery ticket tucked inside. She told me once of all the dreams those lottery tickets inspired - vacations she would take her grandmother on, the home she would buy, the ideas she could pursue. Too often, our businesses suffer from lottery ticket syndrome. We have ideas, inspiration, plans about what we’re going to do, and build, but we don’t set out to actually DO it.

The real estate business is a tough teacher, and there is one lesson that has been hammered home for me over and over again: Success in real estate is not like winning the lottery - it takes work. It’s so important to dream, to picture where you want your business and your life to go, but it’s also important to take action.

There’s good news, though. The...

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Motivation Monday

"Doing everything 'right' does not equal happiness."

― Monick Halm.

Maybe you can relate… My parents always told me I could be ANYTHING I wanted long as it was a doctor, lawyer, professor, or engineer. They meant well. That was their definition of success.

Being a “good girl”, I dutifully graduated from an Ivy League law school. But as a lawyer, the slow itch of dissatisfaction started creeping up.

Truth be told? Before long, I was full-out miserable.

But I did what I thought was “right” until one Tuesday morning, in seemingly “perfect” health - it happened:

The crippling pain.
The frantic drive to the hospital.
The panic about what was wrong with me.

And then? A 9-day stay in the hospital and 30 days at home to recover from an emergency appendix rupture.

But here’s the truly tragic part- when I was first told that I had appendicitis and would have a hospital stay plus at least 30 days at home afterward to recover, I didn't feel...

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Motivation Monday


"Everything I want is on the other side of my fear."

― Monick Halm.

When I was in middle school, I heard this quote from FDR that changed my life: “The only thing to fear is fear itself.”

I really took that to heart and decided to do things that scared me as often as I could (other than things that would kill me, of course). I didn’t want my fear to determine what I could and could not do.

So I developed a practice of really exercising my fear and courage muscles. Instead of walking away from things that scared me, I dove in.

In that journey, I've found that everything I want is on the other side of my fear. Some things scare me all the time, but I'm so comfortable with that feeling now, because of how often I exercise my courage muscles, that I'm like- "bring it!"

Launching a virtual event scared me, but I did it anyway. Starting an Investor Club scared me, but I did it anyway. Being interviewed on tv and big podcasts scares me, but I do it anyway. I have...

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Investing in Real Estate from $1 to $1M – 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.