5 Steps to Hone Your Intuition and Be A More Succesful Real Estate Investor

Your intuition is the second ingredient of the Goddess secret sauce. It’s particularly strong for most women, and it’s one of our most powerful tools. I call it the GPS for your life.

Have you ever had an intuitive sense about someone or something? Maybe you heard a voice that steered you in the right direction? Or you "just knew" something was the right decision or you knew that it was wrong?

Several years ago, I had an instant liking to a man I met on a blind date. I felt a strong feeling for him even before he spoke. I “just knew” instantly. That man is now my husband.

Intuition is very real and tends to be particularly strong in women. It’s a gift that we have, and it’s extremely valuable for your investing (or anything else in your life).

What Is Your Intuition?

 Your intuition is the culmination of various instantaneous mental processes including automatic processing, subliminal priming, implicit memory, heuristics, right-brain...

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THE GODDESS SECRET SAUCE: How we can tap into our feminine genius to be more successful real estate investors

Have you noticed that women and men are different? We are different on more than just a chromosomal level. Women are different in how they best work, deal with stress, learn, and invest.

The key to successfully investing as a woman is to incorporate the womanly elements and tap into the Goddess Secret Sauce. The Goddess Secret Sauce invites in magic and miracles.

I believe in the power we have as women. And we can tap into that power to invite in what we desire with the 4 factors of the Goddess Secret Sauce: Pleasure, Intuition, Mindset and Sisterhood.

When people ask how we found our apartment buildings in Albuquerque (and managed a quantum leap in one year of investing), I sometimes give a more complicated answer than what happened. I’ll talk about how we assessed the market and built the team, but that’s not quite an honest answer.

The honest answer is that I set an intention and then was completely guided to it. As if by magic, we met a woman at a networking event...

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Investing in Real Estate from $1 to $1M – 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.