Motivation Monday

"When I dare to be powerful — to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid."

― Audre Lorde

YES! Dare to be powerful, dare to go after the life you’ve always wanted, dare to live financially free. Don’t let your fear get in the way of the life you’re MEANT to live! You got this, goddess!

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Motivation Monday


Sure, you can sunbathe in your comfort zone for a little bit, have a glass of wine there, check out the scenery, and walk around for a little while. But just like a vacation spot, your comfort zone is not meant to be lived in.


Because nothing you want lives within your comfort zone. 

In order to achieve the levels of greatness you desire, in order to go after your biggest dreams and goals, and in order for you to achieve financial freedom, you need to step outside of your comfort zone! You need to take the leap! You need to go after what you want!

And yes, goddess, it may not be easy, but I promise you it will be worth it.

Your comfort zone may be a lovely place to hang out temporarily, but if you want those big dreams you have to actually come to fruition, you have to get uncomfortable.

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Motivation Monday


"Everything I want is on the other side of my fear."

― Monick Halm.

When I was in middle school, I heard this quote from FDR that changed my life: “The only thing to fear is fear itself.”

I really took that to heart and decided to do things that scared me as often as I could (other than things that would kill me, of course). I didn’t want my fear to determine what I could and could not do.

So I developed a practice of really exercising my fear and courage muscles. Instead of walking away from things that scared me, I dove in.

In that journey, I've found that everything I want is on the other side of my fear. Some things scare me all the time, but I'm so comfortable with that feeling now, because of how often I exercise my courage muscles, that I'm like- "bring it!"

Launching a virtual event scared me, but I did it anyway. Starting an Investor Club scared me, but I did it anyway. Being interviewed on tv and big podcasts scares me, but I do it anyway. I have...

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3 Steps to Building Strong Business "Relationships for Life"


One of the 3 most valuable lessons I've learned in my career as a real estate investor came from my mentor - Robert Helms. He always says that we need to "build relationships for life."

He taught me that when you approach people with a "relationships for life" philosophy, you are not just trying to get that person to do one deal with you, but you want to build a strong long-lasting relationship with that person, keep working together, and hopefully also become friends.

I have taken that advice to heart, and I always seek to build strong relationships with everyone who can bring value to my life and my business.

So how do you get into these relationships? Here are three steps to follow to establish strong business relationships:


1) Reach Out To Those Who Are Already In Your Circle of Influence

You are probably already connected to tons of great people -- likely far more than you think.

First, pull out a pad of paper and a pen and start to think about potential team...

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REIG 2020 Pleasure Challenge!

Hey Goddesses! 

Starting this Friday, November 27 we are going to be doing a 30-day pleasure challenge in the Real Estate Investor Goddesses (Private Community) Facebook Group! [If you're not there yet, you can join us here: 

The holidays are SUPPOSED to be pleasurable, but they're often a time of stress. When you add in COVID-19, social distancing, politics, and all the other stressors of 2020, this is a year that could quickly take you spiraling down.

So what's a goddess to do? Grab at least one daily dose of pleasure! Pleasure is the first ingredient in the goddess secret sauce, and it will bring you and everyone around you higher

I've created a 30-day challenge to help us dive deep into pleasure during this upcoming holiday season. We will go from Friday, November 27 until December 25 (Christmas Day). Do you want to join me?

How will the Pleasure challenge work?

First, make sure that you've joined us on Many...

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Motivation Monday

"Don't let anyone convince you that your dream, your vision to be an entrepreneur, is something that you shouldn't do. What often happens is that people who are well-meaning, who really care for us, are afraid for us and talk us out of it."

― Cathy Hughes.

Today’s motivational quote is from an incredible woman- Cathy Hughes. And if this quote weren’t inspiration enough, here is a little bit more about Cathy’s story:

Cathy Hughes is a dynamic, media pioneer who demonstrates the power of one – one woman, one vision, one company – Urban One, formerly known as Radio One. As Founder and Chairperson of Urban One, Inc., the largest African-American owned and operated broadcast company in the nation, Hughes’ unprecedented career has spawned a multi-media conglomerate that generates original content across the spectrum of radio, television, and digital media.

In 1999, Cathy Hughes became the first African-American woman to chair a publicly held corporation,...

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3 Common Mistakes Women Make in Real Estate Investment.

 As women, we use to think that we can do it all, that we need to have everything perfect, and that's ok. Those are qualities of our personality that help us be one step ahead of life’s everyday challenges. But, when it comes to investing, some of the things that most of the time work in our favor, may become mistakes that can cost us valuable time and money.

Here you have a list of the most common mistakes women make in real estate investment:


Mistake #1: Waiting to have everything "perfect" before you start investing. 

One of the biggest mistakes we see women make in real estate investing (before they even begin) is waiting for the “perfect” time to begin. This is a HUGE mistake because as badass women who juggle 100 things at once. there will never be a perfect time. There will never be a perfect property, a perfect bank account balance, a perfect sign from the universe... and you waiting is only you getting in the way of your own...

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How Should You Evaluate Potential Real Team Members for Your Real Estate Investments?

What makes a great team member? I always come back to the three C’s when I’m evaluating someone to be on my team, to work for me, or to welcome into my inner circle. These 3 C’s are (in order of importance):
1. Character: this tells me everything I need to know about them. I evaluate how trustworthy they are, I evaluate how they treat all people (like the waitstaff, their assistant, me, etc), and I evaluate their overall integrity. I only want to work with people who are trustworthy and who respect the people around them, so character is a big one for me.
2. Commitment: you don’t want to bring someone on your team who you can’t rely on! So commitment is another key value that I consider before I start working with someone. I look at their commitment to our shared mission/vision/values- are they practicing what they preach? I also evaluate their commitment to our shared project- are they holding up their side of the deal? Are...
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If You’re a Mompreneur, You Should Be Investing in Real Estate. Here’s Why...

If you’re a Mompreneur, you should be investing in real estate.  In this article, I’ll share 5 big reasons why.

But first, how would I know?

I am an entrepreneur, mom of three, and I have been a real estate investor for 14 years now.  I started with duplexes and single family home flips and my husband and I are now invested in apartment complexes and mobile home parks.  With our investors, we own over 1200 rental doors in 6 states.

Real estate investment has been great for my family’s finances and lifestyle.

Even though there are surprisingly few women in this space, real estate investment is a wonderful side-business for women.

As an avid investor and real estate investment mentor, I’m always striving to improve my skills and knowledge in this field, so I attend a lot of real estate conferences and seminars.  When I’m in these conferences, often less than 10% of the attendees are women.

It’s surprising because real estate is...

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Investing in Real Estate from $1 to $1M – 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.