Motivation Monday


"Everything I want is on the other side of my fear."

ā€• Monick Halm.

When I was in middle school, I heard this quote from FDR that changed my life: “The only thing to fear is fear itself.”

I really took that to heart and decided to do things that scared me as often as I could (other than things that would kill me, of course). I didn’t want my fear to determine what I could and could not do.ā 

So I developed a practice of really exercising my fear and courage muscles. Instead of walking away from things that scared me, I dove in.

In that journey, I've found that everything I want is on the other side of my fear. Some things scare me all the time, but I'm so comfortable with that feeling now, because of how often I exercise my courage muscles, that I'm like- "bring it!"

Launching a virtual event scared me, but I did it anyway. Starting an Investor Club scared me, but I did it anyway. Being interviewed on tv and big podcasts scares me, but I do it anyway. I have this mission to help 1 million women reach financial freedom through real estate investing and because it's scary, I'm doing it.ā 

What’s a fear that you’ve faced and overcome in your life? What are you doing now that's scary?


December 5-7, 2024

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InvestingĀ in Real EstateĀ from $1 to $1MĀ ā€“Ā 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.