Why Fun is Your Secret Weapon in Real Estate (and Life)

 Let me ask you a question: When was the last time you had fun?

And I mean real, pure, childlike fun — the kind that makes you lose track of time, makes your heart race with excitement, and brings a smile to your face long after it's over?

Here’s the secret — don’t think of fun as a luxury. It’s a necessity. Especially if you’re in the world of real estate investing. Yes, real estate.

Let me explain.

1. Fun Supercharges Your Brain

We often think of real estate as numbers, contracts, and negotiations. And yeah, all that matters. But there’s something far more powerful that you’re probably overlooking: your creativity.

The right brain — that’s the part responsible for creativity, intuition, and spatial awareness — is essential for solving problems. And trust me, if you’re in real estate, you’re going to need a lot of creative problem-solving.

Every property comes with its challenges. Every deal needs a...

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6 Game-Changing Olympic Lessons for Real Estate Investors

 Picture this: You’re watching the Olympics, and these athletes are blowing your mind. Their grit, focus, and refusal to quit—it’s beyond inspiring. But here’s the thing: their journey isn’t just about gold medals. What has contributed to their success provides lessons that we can use to win in the real estate game, too.  In this blog post I break it down. Here are six Olympic lessons that’ll help you crush it in your investing game.

1. Preparation and Training: No Shortcuts, No Excuses

Look, success doesn’t just land in your lap. Olympic athletes train like their lives depend on it. Early mornings, long hours, and a relentless drive—that’s what it takes. They’re not messing around.

In real estate, you also need to prepare and train. You’ve got to put in the hours—learning, researching, and sharpening your skills. Think of it as your training ground. There’s no magic formula here, just a whole...

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How To Evaluate A Potential Investment Property.

There are 3 important aspects of a property you need to evaluate… these are the same for almost every investment property.  

Physical Characteristics

The first aspect of a property is its physical characteristics.  This includes things like:

• square footage,
• number of units/rooms/bathrooms/etc.
• amenities (stainless steel appliances, gym, pool, etc)
• architecture
• class of property
• property condition
• location, etc.
The size, characteristics, and location will determine who wants to be your tenant, how much they’re willing to pay, what kind of appreciation you’ll be able to get.  When you’re assessing a property you want to consider all of these characteristics and what it means for your rental price.  

You will also want to assess how you could improve the property to it’s highest and best use or to get the highest and best rents.  Sometimes the best...

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Investing in Real Estate from $1 to $1M – 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.