What Does the Latest Jobs Report Say About the State of Women in the Workforce?

Uncategorized Sep 15, 2021

We recently celebrated Labor Day. Do you know why we celebrate Labor Day in the United States?

Because work - your work, my work, and the work of millions of Americans at all points of our incredibly diverse economy - is essential. In the late 19th century, as the Industrial Revolution fundamentally changed what work looked like and how people lived, workers began to insist that their needs and efforts be recognized and valued.

It was a process - of protests, organizing, educating, legislating, and then doing so again.

There have been incredible gains made by workers in this country and around the world, but things are not equal between men and women. The new August 2021 Jobs Report that just came out underscores the differences.

I made a quick video talking about it (one big difference is that almost 90% of new job gains went to men!), what that says about women and the workforce, and the solution for equalizing things and helping women build the wealth gap.

Check out this video here

And today, I wish you the financial freedom to labor only because you want to, not because you have to.

Much Love,


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