Motivation Monday


"Success in real estate is not like winning the lottery, it takes work."

ā€• Monick Halm.

I have a friend whose grandmother gave her lottery tickets for every special occasion. Each birthday, Easter, and Christmas card had a lottery ticket tucked inside. She told me once of all the dreams those lottery tickets inspired - vacations she would take her grandmother on, the home she would buy, the ideas she could pursue. Too often, our businesses suffer from lottery ticket syndrome. We have ideas, inspiration, plans about what we’re going to do, and build, but we don’t set out to actually DO it.ā 
The real estate business is a tough teacher, and there is one lesson that has been hammered home for me over and over again: Success in real estate is not like winning the lottery - it takes work. It’s so important to dream, to picture where you want your business and your life to go, but it’s also important to take action.ā 
There’s good news, though. The difference between a lottery ticket and your real estate business is that YOU control the outcome of your business. You can do the work, make the deal, build the empire that powers the life you dream of having. You don’t have to wait for your ship to come in. You can build it right now! And you don’t have to do it alone. In fact, you can’t do it alone.ā 
Why spend another day indulging in daydreams about what you’ll do when your business gets up and running? Today, you could take a tangible step forward in a business building strategy that makes your goals happen. There is power in sharing your goals, your intentions with like-minded peers and mentors. It adds that missing step of accountability to our daydreaming. We focus on the concrete next steps that will move us forward. And, we’re more likely to follow through if we know those peers and mentors are going to ask how it went the next time we meet!ā 


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Investing in Real Estate from $1 to $1M – 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.