Getting Started on Your Real Estate Investment Journey

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2024

Are you ready to dive into real estate investing but not sure where to begin? You're not alone. Starting in real estate can be overwhelming with so much information and advice out there. Let’s cut through the noise and get you on the right track. This guide will debunk common myths, help you define your goals, and give you a clear, actionable plan to start your investment journey.

Busting the Myths

First, let’s clear up some misconceptions. These pertain to the two most common ones I hear:

You Don’t Need a Realtor’s License First: Many people think you need to be a licensed agent to invest in real estate. Wrong! I was an investor for 18 years before getting my license, and that was mainly for giving referrals. You will likely need a realtor on your team, but you don’t need to BE a realtor to invest in real estate. 

You Don’t Need to Set up an Entity First: Setting up an entity that you’ll invest with, will likely be part of your...

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Embracing Your Feminine Power in Real Estate Investing

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2024

In school, we’re taught to approach the world (including money and investing) from a masculine paradigm. What works for men is presumed to work for everyone. But guess what? We’re not just smaller, less hairy men. We are chromosomally different. Our brains and bodies are wired differently, and these differences significantly influence how we handle money and investments. 

Today, we're exploring how embracing these differences can lead to incredible success in real estate and beyond for women.

Why Women Approach Investing Differently

For many men, investing feels like a thrilling challenge. For women, it can feel like a threat, triggering fear and hesitation. This fear can keep us from even starting, or it can push us to hand over our financial decisions to someone else. But here’s the thing: when we do step into the game, we often outperform men. We seek expert advice, take thoughtful actions, and achieve better results. The problem is, too many of us let fear...

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The Power of Relationships in Real Estate: A Blueprint for Success

Uncategorized Jun 28, 2024

I want to dive into something incredibly powerful and transformative: relationships. I recently came across an 80-year-long Harvard study that revealed the key to happiness: the depth of our relationships. This insight is not only life-changing but also incredibly relevant to the world of real estate investing.

Real estate is a relationship business at its core. It's not just about the properties, the cash flow, or the deals. It's about the people you connect with, the partnerships you form, and the networks you build. These relationships can make or break your success in this industry. So how do you know which relationships are worth investing in? That’s where the "Three C's" come into play—a concept I learned from the brilliant Beth Clifford, investor and developer.

The Three C's: Character, Commitment, Capacity

  1. Character: First up is character. You need to surround yourself with people of high integrity and strong values. Let me share a story. I partnered with Chris...
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Important Tax Information for Passive Investors

Uncategorized Apr 15, 2024

Around this time of year I receive an email from my CPA to sign a tax return extension form that she has prepared for me.

Now, you might be wondering, why the extension? 

For those who are new to the realm of private investments, it's customary for investors like us to opt for an extension. This is primarily because, as investors, we typically await the arrival of a document known as a Schedule K-1 from each investment we are in.

The time it takes for an investor to receive a K-1 is dependent on:

  • The complexity of the investment
  • Preparation of financial statements
  • Legal & regulatory requirements
  • Receiving documents from partners, vendors and other entities
  • Other external factors
  • Processing time

Investors may receive a K-1 in mid March or it could be in July or later.

Consequently, many of us rely on our tax preparers to file extensions while we await the delivery of these K-1 forms.

A quick note for investors utilizing IRA funds: Although you may not be...

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AI Revolution: Why Real Estate is Your Safest Bet

In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the job market, it's crucial to have a solid financial foundation. Goldman Sachs predicts that AI could replace 300 million full-time jobs, automating over 25% of all work tasks in the US and Europe. Even white-collar jobs, like those in the medical profession, are not immune to this revolution.

The Power of AI: A Personal Story

My 15-year-old daughter, Aliza, recently won her high school science fair by developing a custom GPT model designed to create personalized breast cancer treatment plans. She programmed this AI in just one day and made it even more robust in less than a month by incorporating over 600 peer-reviewed breast cancer research papers into the model. An oncologist at a leading institute was blown away by its potential. This experience made me realize that an AI capable of integrating vast amounts of data to personalize treatment plans is far more powerful than any single human doctor's...

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The NAR Settlement: A Gamechanger for the Entire US Housing Industry

You might have heard the buzz about the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and the groundbreaking $418 million settlement. This isn't just news; it's a revolution in the real estate realm, and it's time to strap in and rise to the occasion. Big changes are afoot, and this could be the launch pad moment for your next big leap in real estate!

The Background 

NAR, a titan of industry standards and practices, faced lawsuits that cracked the bedrock of real estate commissions wide open. The heart of the matter? Allegations that their policies kept commission rates high and competition low. This settlement isn't just a penalty; it's a declaration that the old ways won't fly in today's transparent, competitive market.

Key points:

  • NAR will pay the nearly half-billion-dollar settlement in installments, with a $197 million payment due within 90 days of final settlement approval.
  • Offers of compensation can no longer be made through the MLS, and MLSs will have just 150 days to update...
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Setting Real Estate Goals for 2024: Empowering Your Investment Journey

Uncategorized Jan 23, 2024

As we step into the vibrant possibilities of 2024, it's time to focus on setting transformative real estate goals. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just beginning your journey in the fascinating world of real estate, the new year is ripe with opportunities for growth, learning, and financial success. In this blog, we'll guide you through the process of setting effective real estate goals that resonate with your personal and financial aspirations.

Reflect on Your Past Year

Before diving into new goals, take a moment to reflect on your real estate journey in the past year. What were your successes and learning experiences? Understanding what worked and what didn’t is crucial in shaping your future strategies. This reflection isn’t just about numbers and deals; it’s also about your growth as an investor and how you’ve aligned your investments with your lifestyle and values.

Define Your Vision

Your real estate goals should be a direct reflection of your...

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Navigating the 2024 Real Estate Landscape: Key Trends and Opportunities

Uncategorized Jan 11, 2024

Welcome to 2024, a year that promises exciting developments in the U.S. real estate market! Whether you're a seasoned investor or looking to dip your toes in the property market, understanding the latest trends is crucial for making informed decisions. Here’s what you need to know:

Growth and Diverse Opportunities in the Housing Market

This year, we're witnessing a significant upswing in the real estate market. With increasing property inventories, buyers now have a broader range of options. This growth isn't just great news for homebuyers but also signals a dynamic environment for investors. The expanding market opens the door to a variety of investment opportunities, each with its unique potential.

Stable Increase in Home Prices: A Balanced Market

Gone are the days of the pandemic-induced price spikes. Now, we're seeing home prices rise at a steady, manageable pace. This stability creates an ideal landscape for investors to plan long-term, with less...

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Embracing the Busy Season

Uncategorized Dec 07, 2023

This time of year, to-do lists fill up and it can feel like we are being bombarded with things to do, remember, and attend. It can be overwhelming - but, I take a deep breath and remind myself to embrace this busy season.

Back in 2008, the Fall and early Winter was a tense time. I had a newborn, was unemployed, and the economy was in free-fall. There were no job prospects in sight.

I had been fired when I was 5 1/2 months pregnant. I’d decided that I would wait until after I gave birth to my daughter and had a short maternity period before looking for another job.

My daughter was born in late August 2008. Within a month the markets started to plummet. As did my husband’s graphic design business - his income dropped by 90%! UGH!

Even though it was really tight and REALLY scary, what saved us was the real estate we had previously acquired.

We were far from financially independent.  Our two California properties barely cash-flowed. But, it did help keep a roof over our...

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Thankful Hearts and Smart Investments: Embracing Gratitude in Real Estate Investing

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2023

As Thanksgiving approaches, it's a wonderful time for us, the community of Real Estate Investor Goddesses, to reflect on the many blessings and lessons this year has brought. In the world of real estate investing, where highs and lows are part of the journey, embracing gratitude can be a powerful tool for both personal growth and professional success.


The Power of Gratitude in Our Professional Lives

  1. Overcoming Challenges with a Thankful Heart

    1. Real estate investing comes with its fair share of challenges. This Thanksgiving, let's take a moment to be thankful for these hurdles, as they are opportunities for growth and learning. Each obstacle overcome is a testament to our resilience and adaptability.

  2. Celebrating Wins, Big and Small

    • Whether it was closing a significant deal, making a first investment, or simply learning a new aspect of the market, every win counts. Let's celebrate all our achievements and be thankful for the progress we've made, no matter the size.

  3. ...
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Investing in Real Estate from $1 to $1M – 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.