Not all advice is good advice!
Often people are giving you advice based on their own experience (or lack thereof) and/or opinions. Often they’ve never even had experience in the area they’re trying to give you advice about, to their advice will not be that applicable or helpful to you. Or sometimes people are coming from a place of fear, so their well-meaning advice might have the intention of keeping you safe, but will have the effect of keeping you small.
So we encourage you to be selective about the people you take advice from. We recommend taking advice only from people who are already succeeding in the field that you hope to be succeeding in. They are already in the arena, they are doing the work, and they can speak honestly to their experience and how it can help you.
Anyone else has the potential to negatively impact your journey before you even begin, or give you advice that doesn’t apply or will hold you back.ā
Be selective about the people you let into your space, goddesses, and don’t let anyone scare you out of going for your dreams! š
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InvestingĀ in Real EstateĀ from $1 to $1MĀ āĀ 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.